Wednesday, August 5, 2009

meanwhile, the clouds are white and the sky is blue.

why. why are we here, and other insane questions. so excuse the presumption that we've a right to expect an answer, that there is an answer... accept this possible answer: we are here because of the past, not for the future. we are here, here is now. and so on, and on.
Everything in the world began with a yes. One molecule said yes to another molecule and life was born. But before prehistory there was the prehistory of prehistory and there was the never and there was the yes. It was ever so. I do not know why, but I do know that the universe never began.

We live exclusively in the present because forever and eternally it is the day of today, and the day of tomorrow will be a today. Eternity is the state of things at this very moment.
but wait, what about the future? humans, with our foresight, can imagine a future.

In any case, the future looked brighter. The future, at least, had the advantage of not being the present, and the worse can always take a turn for the better.
and that changes things. ah, well.

As for the future.
Et tu, Brute?

the hour of the star - clarice lispector

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